In this installation, fried plantain slices or “patacones” were hung on the wall and together formed a pre-Columbian gold figure.

Meanwhile, the artists interacted with the audience, inviting them not only to enjoy this delicious Colombian dish, but also to reflect on what this dish symbolizes as a colonial and historical figure of globalization.

This installation was exhibited as a prologue to BANANA ISLAND by the group Apokalyptischen tänzer*Innen in November 2019 and April 2022 at the RAMPE Theater.




© Johanna Oviedo



Magda Agudelo, Jeiny Cortés, Johana Gómez


Magda Agudelo, Jeiny Cortés, Laura Galeano

Gemeinsam ausgestellt mit dem Produktionsbüro schaefer und soehne